Quilt Show — June 27-28, 2025

Art Feeds the Soul-Create!

The Show will be held at the new Seneca Middle School on Wells Highway in Seneca. on June 27 and 28, 2025. This picture is The Raffle Quilt that will be given to a lucky winner on June 28. Made by several of our members, it is titled “Japanese Fans”. Jan Hannewold’s family gave the patterns and fabrics for this quilt, so we are honoring one of our former members with this beauty. Tickets can be purchase from any member for $1 or six tickets for $5.

We look forward to this show in a new location and hope

Monthly Events

Lake and Mountain Quilters Guild hosts several regular events each month. These events form the core of our activities, and prospective members are encouraged to join us for one or two of our monthly meetings before committing to membership to get a feel for the guild and our mission and community.

Meeting Location

Episcopal Church of the Ascension
214 Northampton Road
Seneca, SC 29672


Monthly Meeting

1st Monday of each month, no July meeting
1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

When the 1st Monday falls on a holiday, the monthly meeting will occur on the 2nd Monday instead


Our monthly meetings consist of social time during which members
enjoy visiting, browsing the guild's extensive library, and getting help with knotty problems they encounter with their current projects; a short business meeting during which the board shares information about upcoming events, activities, workshops and programs and reports to the membership progress on ongoing guild projects; a speaker or quilt related program; and Show & Share, when members can proudly display their latest creations. There is no meeting in July.


Fun Day

Periodically throughout the year.


Fun Days are free to LMQG members and consist of member-taught mini-workshops on patterns and techniques. This time may also be dedicated to a complete guild charity projects as well. A wonderful opportunity for inspiring friendships and learning.