2022 Quilt Show
Full Categories List & Complete Rules
Category 100
Show Theme “Every Quilt Tells a Story”
Quilts made with any technique, including quilts allowed in Category 136. May be made by more than one person. May be professionally quilted.
One Person, Professionally Quilted
Category 104
Pieced Quilt, One Person Top, Professionally Quilted
Predominantly pieced, including paper piecing. One person constructed the quilt top and paid another person to quilt it. No kits or false backs. Quilts with length plus width equal to or less than 48 inches are not allowed. See category 118.
Category 106
Applique or Mixed Technique Quilt, One Person Top, Professionally Quilted
Predominantly appliqued, or a balanced combination of two or more techniques which can include piecing, appliqué, embroidery, beading, photos or painting. One person constructed the quilt top and paid another person to quilt it. No kits or false backs. Quilts with length plus width equal to or less than 48 inches are not allowed. See Category 118.
Category 108
Kit, One Person Top, Professionally Quilted
Quilt made with kit fabric, or Blocks of the Month if fabric is provided. It also includes quilts made with a combination of kit and non-kit fabrics. One person constructed the quilt top and paid another person to quilt it. The is the only category allowed for one person tops using kit fabrics, professionally quilted. No false backs. Quilts with length plus width equal to or less than 48 inches are not allowed. See Category 118.
One Person Categories, Not Professionally Quilted
Category 110
Pieced Quilt, One Person, Machine Quilted
Predominantly pieced, including paper piecing. One person constructed the top, machine quilted it, and applied the binding and label. No kits or false backs. Quilts with length plus width equal to or less than 48 inches are not allowed. See category 118.
Category 112
Applique or Mixed Technique Quilt, One Person, Machine Quilted
Predominantly appliqued, or a balanced combination of two or more techniques which can include piecing, applique, embroidery, beading, photos or painting. One person constructed the top, machine quilted it, and applied the binding and label. No kits or false backs. Quilts with length plus width equal to or less than 48 inches are not allowed. See Category 118.
Category 114
Kit, One Person, Either Machine or Hand Quilted
Quilt made with kit fabric, or Blocks of the Month if fabric is provided. It also includes quilts made with a combination of kit and non-kit fabrics. One person constructed the quilt top, quilted it and applied the binding and label. This is the only category allowed for one-person quilts using kit fabrics, not professionally quilted. No false backs. Quilts with length plus width equal to or less than 48 inches are not allowed. See Category 118.
Category 116
Youth Entry
Must be entirely made and quilted by the youth, 18 years or age or younger. No false backs.
Category 118
Small Quilt, One Person
May be whole cloth. One person constructed the top, quilted it, and applied the binding and label. No kits or false backs. Any one-person quilt with length plus width equal to or less than 48 inches is allowed in this category. Two entries per entrant are allowed in this category only.
Category 122
Modern Quilt, One Person, Either Machine or Hand Quilted
Modern quilts incorporate three or more of the following design elements – improvisational piecing, wonky piecing of traditional blocks, modern fabrics, solid fabrics, bold colors, high value contrast, varying the setting and/or scale of blocks, use of background space as negative space and minimalism. One person constructed the top, quilted it, and applied the binding and label. No kits or false backs. Quilts with length plus width equal to or less than 48 inches are not allowed. See Category 118.
One Person Categories, May Be Professionally Quilted
Category 124
Embroidered Quilt
Embroidery, hand or machine, is the predominant design element. Must be quilted through all layers. No kits or false backs. Quilts with length plus width equal to or less than 48 inches are not allowed. See Category 118.
Category 126
Holiday Themed Quilt
Any technique. Can be for any holiday. No kits or false backs. Quilts with length plus width equal to or less than 48 inches are not allowed. See Category 118.
Category 128
Hand Quilted Quilt, Any Technique
Can be pieced, applique or mixed techniques. One-person constructed the top, and applied the binding and label. No kits or false backs. Quilts with length plus width equal to or less than 48 inches are not allowed. See Category 118.
Category 130
Juvenile Quilt
Quilts made for a juvenile or child. Embellishments that might be pulled or chewed off are strongly discouraged on quilts made for children less than 5 years of age. If your quilt has them, please justify it in your statement. No kits or false backs. Quilts with length plus width equal to or less than 48 inches are no allowed. See Category 118.
Category 132
First Entry
First entry to a LMQG show. No kits or false backs.
Other Quilt Categories, May Be Professionally Quilted
Category 134
Collaboration/Group Quilt
Two or more people constructed the quilt. Any technique. No commercial kits or false backs.
Category 136
Open Quilt Category
Any traditional or contemporary quilt that does not fit the above categories, including but not limited to yo-yo, cathedral window, crazy quilt, whole cloth or rag quilts, quilts with false backs, and quilts with no batting.
Off the Wall, Not Professionally Quilted
Category 202
Quilting is not required for this category.
Category 204
Home Dec
Table runners, placements, pillows, etc. Does not include wall hangings. Kits and/or false backs are allowed in this category. Some quilting is required for this category.
Art Quilts
Designed and made entirely by one person, with no commercial pattern used, and not professionally quilted, except 306 may be professionally quilted. There is no size restriction in the art quilt categories. May not be mounted in or on a rigid frame. False backs are allowed only in 306.
Category 300
Non-Representational Art Quilt
Non-Representational art does not represent a real object or being. It leaves it to the viewer to interpret the meaning of the art based on the visual cues presented by lines, textures, colors and values. Some people think of this as “abstract,” but for the Non-Representational category, the quilt should not depict a real object, even in abstracted form.
Category 302
Representational Art Quilt
Representational Art depicts an object or being in the real world. It may be realistic, impressionistic, abstract (but representing a real object), surreal, or fanciful/whimsical. Folk art (also known as cultural or primitive art) is also representational but will probably fit better in categories 100-136.
Category 306
Open Art Quilt Category
Any art quilt that does not fit into the above categories. May or may not have three layers. May have a false back, which may be either single unquilted layer on the back or a separate quilt attached to the back. May be made by more than one person, and may be professionally quilted. May be inspired by a commercial pattern or made with a pre-printed panel. (Pre-printed panels are also allowed in the traditional categories, 100-204).
Lake and Mountain Quilt Guild Show Entry Rules
General Information- Entry and Registration of Quilts
Only LMQG members will be able to register for the show. You must become a member or renew your membership by February 1, 2023 to be eligible to enter quilts or other items.
All entry forms must be completed and submitted by February 15, 2023.
A separate entry form must be submitted for each item entered. A maximum of 2 items will be automatically accepted from each entrant. There is no limit to the number of entries in a single category for Judged or Non-Judged items, but the entries must be prioritized, and will be accepted based on space available. A lower priority quilt may be accepted based on category; some categories are less used that others. Challenge quilts must be entered and labeled the same as other entries, but do not count toward the maximum.
Please refer to the category descriptions for specifications. Many entries can legitimately be placed in more than one category, but they must meet the qualifications of the category to receive a ribbon. It is the entrant’s responsibility to choose the correct category for the entries.
All quilts are required to have a hanging sleeve with a 4” opening. Most quilts will be hung on rods, with the exception of the Challenge quilts.
All entries are required to have a fabric label including the name of the entrant and the name of the entry. The name of the entry must match the name on your entry form. Quilt labels must be sewn on the back of the quilt in the lower left-hand corner. For non-quilt entries, please sew a label to the inside, back or bottom of the item. The paper label including the entry number must be sewn on the quilt in the right-hand corner. No pins, please.
Except for art quilts that are small enough be hung on a hanger on a garment rack, each quilt entry must be able to be folded and stacked with other entries on a table, without risk to itself or other entries.
Quilts must be clean and free from pet hair, perfume and/or smoke odor.